There is no human being that can say they have never sought happiness. Happiness whether it is in friendship, work or family we have all searched for it.
If we look closely in our lives happiness is something that can ne achieved. It is not something that just remains a dream it is a habit.
From childhood we observe how adults handle arguments and unpleasant situations. we see how mothers hold on to pain and abusive husbands. In short we observe how it is normal to not want to resolve issues or to hold on to a sob story because this is what appears normal for each situation we go through.
In reality however, this unhappiness is something we have learnt to cling onto. sometimes it justifies our excuses not to move on to the next level in our lives. Life is difficult but it can be made easier by making happiness a habit as we do its opponent.
Make a habit of enagaging in happy thoughts, doing things that make you happy and accepting that even though life is not always going to be easy, you will always be you. you cannot run away from yourself. Situations are there to make us stronger,Learn to embrace your life and not your problems. Embrace your joy and not your sorrow because mercy from God is new every morning.
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