A song here and a dance there
we sweated for what we believed in
the strifes we bore and the losses endured
never forgotten
The late night bonding
and pleasant banters
after a sweaty afternoon
the cause was never forgotten
we travelled far and wide
singing the songs we loved
in our hearts we grieved
but celebrated the living
Some of us fine
some of us not
but Kids 4 Kids was our motto
for no child
should ever be forgotten
For each painful scream
we danced for help
each moment of loneliness
we played for toys
For each uncertain future
we campaigned for sponsors
for despite the distance
we never forgot them
A baby
a child
a teenager
a woman
what do you do when u all grown up
and you cannot be a kid no more
we walk hand in hand
still inspiring one another
Princes 4 Princes
Queens 4 Queens
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