Thursday, 1 March 2012

Defected Ego

The next dice rolls masked by the deliberate whisk of my arm
a cold smile frozen by the sweet sounds of your lyrical betrayal

See I
understand the words spoken by poets
and the meaning unwritten by the writers of songs
of a defected ego
that display the note, the rhythm, the beat, the tempo, the heightened pride of nothing but a defected ego

See I

understand the flow of a river
and perhaps I could comprehend the battle between rain and ocean
trying to figure out which is the mightier
I can understand the oceans ambition to consume every rain drop
despite the risks of swelling up
and drowning in the land
and I
can make sense of natures career to bombard a nation
and then attempt to fix it
hell i could even try to understand why a tree chooses to be naked in winter

but what I do not know how to do is

understand the speech of the foolish
the reasoning of the selfish and the ludicrous pretentious of walking in your own shadow
when all it now depicts is a dark mirror to your core
where masked by sweet lies and haughty pride
you are prisoner to your defected ego

Lets play dice once more
what will you throw? 2 lies or six? either way you've missed
my hands are held across my face
to you only the back of it now shows
estranging your existence because
you see we two sides of the same coin
mine is always the tail but my head can not be injured by a defected ego

A woman of my own substance
my eyes know not the waters of my soul
they remain hidden
in the tributaries of my spirit
and not that of a defected ego

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