There is no human being that can say they have never sought happiness. Happiness whether it is in friendship, work or family we have all searched for it.
If we look closely in our lives happiness is something that can ne achieved. It is not something that just remains a dream it is a habit.
From childhood we observe how adults handle arguments and unpleasant situations. we see how mothers hold on to pain and abusive husbands. In short we observe how it is normal to not want to resolve issues or to hold on to a sob story because this is what appears normal for each situation we go through.
In reality however, this unhappiness is something we have learnt to cling onto. sometimes it justifies our excuses not to move on to the next level in our lives. Life is difficult but it can be made easier by making happiness a habit as we do its opponent.
Make a habit of enagaging in happy thoughts, doing things that make you happy and accepting that even though life is not always going to be easy, you will always be you. you cannot run away from yourself. Situations are there to make us stronger,Learn to embrace your life and not your problems. Embrace your joy and not your sorrow because mercy from God is new every morning.
Feminity in its full glory. Inspired by Maya Angelou's poem Phenomenol woman. This is to empower women to be the best they can be through inspirational quotes, poetry and short stories.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Perfect Valentine
It is no rocket science that you were designed to be mine
perfect fit like a rose merges with thorns
anyone try to break me
you always there to protect me
it is no magic that we encrusted like diamonds
each intricate design
rare in its beauty
but wanted by everyone
it is no math that me + u = us-eternal
each minute adding to the happiness to soon be multiplied
every argument we encounter
strengthens us ten times fold
it is the truth that you were born just for me
because we are a real family
argue like siblings
joke like friends
unembarrassed by the others weirdness
complimented by the familiar smile
and the comforting hug when times get hard
sometimes i thought it was not real
yet my heart knew and wanted no other
sometimes my mind ran away and craved something else
but my spirit and my body would rather expel this mind
than lose your unconditional love
I have tried some shoes
at times the design was close to my dream
but the laces a bit loose
sometimes they were too pointy
pinching my toes with every step
some where far and the delivery took too long
but this shoe looks right
no matter what clothes i wear
yes i know you agree
because for the first time i have fallen hard
like a child learning its first steps
you like a new father willing to teach it
it does not take many words to tell you how i feel
because you are how i feel
you know because it is the same for you
passionate intimately fantastic
i do not have to wait 50 years to be a part of my dream world
i have written and inscribed poetry for the wrong reasons
spoken about love to come and the perfect thing to look for
Landed a rasta. stumbled across a prince sometimes even a mafia
but they were all codes used to write this perfect poem one day
because i found it all in you
faith love and undeniable loyalty and support
so this year valentines day is not exceptionally special
because it is everyday with you valentines and angels day
but since commerciality demands
i shall show off just what a valentine should really be like
perfect fit like a rose merges with thorns
anyone try to break me
you always there to protect me
it is no magic that we encrusted like diamonds
each intricate design
rare in its beauty
but wanted by everyone
it is no math that me + u = us-eternal
each minute adding to the happiness to soon be multiplied
every argument we encounter
strengthens us ten times fold
it is the truth that you were born just for me
because we are a real family
argue like siblings
joke like friends
unembarrassed by the others weirdness
complimented by the familiar smile
and the comforting hug when times get hard
sometimes i thought it was not real
yet my heart knew and wanted no other
sometimes my mind ran away and craved something else
but my spirit and my body would rather expel this mind
than lose your unconditional love
I have tried some shoes
at times the design was close to my dream
but the laces a bit loose
sometimes they were too pointy
pinching my toes with every step
some where far and the delivery took too long
but this shoe looks right
no matter what clothes i wear
yes i know you agree
because for the first time i have fallen hard
like a child learning its first steps
you like a new father willing to teach it
it does not take many words to tell you how i feel
because you are how i feel
you know because it is the same for you
passionate intimately fantastic
i do not have to wait 50 years to be a part of my dream world
i have written and inscribed poetry for the wrong reasons
spoken about love to come and the perfect thing to look for
Landed a rasta. stumbled across a prince sometimes even a mafia
but they were all codes used to write this perfect poem one day
because i found it all in you
faith love and undeniable loyalty and support
so this year valentines day is not exceptionally special
because it is everyday with you valentines and angels day
but since commerciality demands
i shall show off just what a valentine should really be like
The child in me
so this is me...tired and despaired
looking at myself helplessly like a child lost
yes i am a child lost
looking at myself through my grown up eyes
a child stuck in a huge dress
everyday the grown up in me tries to do right
but is often defeated by the cries of the child inside
am i responsible for what happened then...
no but i cannot help feeling that the one i really love
carried me for nine months
is unhappy because of me.
no matter how much the grown up tries to grow
the child in me cries
trying to break free from this tie, this bond that has enslaved you and I
the very reason you are my smile and am your frown
is the one reason that has let you live in fear
and me in anxiety
to threaten your relationship and exhaust mine
we pray and tag and fight
yet constantly this cord brings us back to where we started
at the beginning of our nine months
me the seed and you the tree
sheltering me when it rained the hardest
and yet when the farmer cuts you not strong enough to save you
so tell me child,
no tell me grown up,
tell me Jesus.....when do i get the freedom
and peace of mind to be me
the real me
looking at myself helplessly like a child lost
yes i am a child lost
looking at myself through my grown up eyes
a child stuck in a huge dress
everyday the grown up in me tries to do right
but is often defeated by the cries of the child inside
am i responsible for what happened then...
no but i cannot help feeling that the one i really love
carried me for nine months
is unhappy because of me.
no matter how much the grown up tries to grow
the child in me cries
trying to break free from this tie, this bond that has enslaved you and I
the very reason you are my smile and am your frown
is the one reason that has let you live in fear
and me in anxiety
to threaten your relationship and exhaust mine
we pray and tag and fight
yet constantly this cord brings us back to where we started
at the beginning of our nine months
me the seed and you the tree
sheltering me when it rained the hardest
and yet when the farmer cuts you not strong enough to save you
so tell me child,
no tell me grown up,
tell me Jesus.....when do i get the freedom
and peace of mind to be me
the real me
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Fight to forgive

But failing to forgive only creates a prison for yourself. These bitter feelings are set by you and lack of control on your emotions. In my darkest moment this sworn enemy picked up the phone and preached to me. They showed me that despite having hurt me, they also knew me understood me and blessed me. It was through them that God reminded me my worth.
He used the very person that i thought destroyed me to rebuild me.
Am I saying you should never cut people out of your life? No but I am saying never let your emotions rule you to the point of hating someone. Everyone is human. Sometimes people hurt us unintentionally sometimes on purpose but how much effect that has on our lives is in our hands. We need to fight for forgiveness because it is the only way you can go forward with your life.
Apart from forgiving others, fight to forgive yourself. Watch the post on Bishop TD Jake's preaching on forgiveness and the many ways in which it binds us.Better yet buy the book above it is available on kindle and see your life transform. Let go of things of the past. Although it is difficult, remember everything that is worthwhile is.
Be blessed
Friday, 16 March 2012
Three vs four
Set of three keys
Neatly placed on the table
Three vs four
Apparently love can be weighed
I love you but... Am not in love with you
Three years on the table
A long time to decide
How to love you honestly
And have you lie
I stay strong so you cant see me cry
I promised myself you aint worth the try
Now i lie here alone
Better off alone
But the 3 versus 4
Cuts my heart strings still
Neatly placed on the table
Three vs four
Apparently love can be weighed
I love you but... Am not in love with you
Three years on the table
A long time to decide
How to love you honestly
And have you lie
I stay strong so you cant see me cry
I promised myself you aint worth the try
Now i lie here alone
Better off alone
But the 3 versus 4
Cuts my heart strings still
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Still here

you should have left ages ago
6 months to be precise
should have been your untimely demise
yet you still linger here
leeching on every green grass
still a parasite
despite the hope of the rain
You should have been gone by now
yes you with the short hand
but thirsty eyes
the water gleams more favourably in another land
yet mine you still drain
You still here
no massage can mould you out
you are a past tense
with a present style
gone but still holding on
Time should have erased you
but you still here
time should make you irrelevant
but the pains still fresh
time should have put a stop to your existence
but your selfishness persevered
Still afraid
not of you
not of him
but feelings fear
meeting your style still
A song here and a dance there
we sweated for what we believed in
the strifes we bore and the losses endured
never forgotten
The late night bonding
and pleasant banters
after a sweaty afternoon
the cause was never forgotten
we travelled far and wide
singing the songs we loved
in our hearts we grieved
but celebrated the living
Some of us fine
some of us not
but Kids 4 Kids was our motto
for no child
should ever be forgotten
For each painful scream
we danced for help
each moment of loneliness
we played for toys
For each uncertain future
we campaigned for sponsors
for despite the distance
we never forgot them
A baby
a child
a teenager
a woman
what do you do when u all grown up
and you cannot be a kid no more
we walk hand in hand
still inspiring one another
Princes 4 Princes
Queens 4 Queens
we sweated for what we believed in
the strifes we bore and the losses endured
never forgotten
The late night bonding
and pleasant banters
after a sweaty afternoon
the cause was never forgotten
we travelled far and wide
singing the songs we loved
in our hearts we grieved
but celebrated the living
Some of us fine
some of us not
but Kids 4 Kids was our motto
for no child
should ever be forgotten
For each painful scream
we danced for help
each moment of loneliness
we played for toys
For each uncertain future
we campaigned for sponsors
for despite the distance
we never forgot them
A baby
a child
a teenager
a woman
what do you do when u all grown up
and you cannot be a kid no more
we walk hand in hand
still inspiring one another
Princes 4 Princes
Queens 4 Queens
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Power of Faith

Like everything worthwhile, faith is a concept that improves with practise.
Rhonda Byrne in her book 'The Secret' presents faith based on the law of attraction. It is a force that allows you to live your life exactly the way you choose, like painting your perfect picture and the more you believe the more you attract what you wish for from the universe.
Similarly the bible in Hebrews states " faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"(Heb.11:1) but also emphasises that faith without works is dead.
For a lot of women we are often discouraged because of experiences be it in family friendship or love. Love is notorious for destroying the trust element that is essential to achieving faith. We pray and ask God for a good man who will treat us well but when we go through heartache and pain we forget that we have to go through this pain to discover the real love that we are believing God for.
We close our hearts to love when in actual fact it is just beginning. But hold steadfast to your dream, you do not have to fear ending up divorced like all the women in your family or a victim of domestic violence like your sister instead focus on believing that your life will be different. So he broke your heart, give yourself a break and appreciate that he just showed you another type of love you do not deserve. Let the pain go. Do not nurture it. With practise the more you believe and trust that it will be, the more you open doors for the awesome happiness you trust God for and in turn you will attract only people that fit in with that vision
The mind has a beautiful tremendous power. Use it for as a man thinks in his is he.
Always Queen Africa
Monday, 12 March 2012
Please yourself before you please others
A lot of the
time we care too much what people think of us. We pay attention to our fashion,
the songs we listen to, churches we attend and sometimes even the way we speak
and think.
These are
all mechanisms to either get someone to notice us or accept us or be worthy of
their time and praise. We even go as far as compromising ourselves in
friendships and relationships.
Firstly, you
are just as important as the other person or people. Accept yourself first and
focus on who you are and where you are going. Do you like corduroys rather than
hipsters? Well wear them because the smile that emanates from you when you are
being yourself cannot be compared to the cheap imitation you try to employ.
people can only accept the real you. The mask even on a psychopath eventually
crumbles. I remember someone tell me “hey Nana you are putting on weight.
Anymore weight and we won’t be friends”. Weight does not reduce your personality.
I decided I was not willing to keep this up this charade and even though it
hurt it was important and necessary for me to remove said ‘friend’ from my life
because my happiness tops all else.
Thirdly you
can only be worth being around if you love your own company. If you can’t stand
yourself you cannot expect others to stand you.
Last but not
least if your true colours are not good enough for others but make you happy
then those people are not worthy of your time or effort. You have only one
life. Enjoy it by being the real vibrant lovely person you were created to be.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
The Scary Sound of silence
Have you heard the sound of silence?
or lived in its noisy corner
as it pushes you further
into a silent death
Have you heard the clanking bells
of the invisible chains
that make you swear you going crazy
because only you can hear it
Have you heard silence
disguised by the hateful look
that utters not a word
yet drys all water in you
The silence that with a bang can
cause you to be frantic
like an addict in withdrawal
to shine courageously
only to be silenced again
in prisoned in a chamber of thoughts
with the silence your only fix
or lived in its noisy corner
as it pushes you further
into a silent death
Have you heard the clanking bells
of the invisible chains
that make you swear you going crazy
because only you can hear it
Have you heard silence
disguised by the hateful look
that utters not a word
yet drys all water in you
The silence that with a bang can
cause you to be frantic
like an addict in withdrawal
to shine courageously
only to be silenced again
in prisoned in a chamber of thoughts
with the silence your only fix
Be your own cheer leader
There is no doubt everyone wants to be applauded in some way. Told they are doing a fine job or motivated to go after after what they have always dreamt of.
I personally remember as a child I was called 'miss think a lot'. As the only girl in my family adored by my mother and daddys golden child, I was used to being the best, being told I was beautiful and constantly reminded by my father that no little girl came close. It gave me the confidence to go after everything that I wanted but it was also a drug. Addictive in everyway.
My adoption brought new responsibilities placing me in the field of the go getter, the big sister and the one to set an example. In my 'think a lot moments' I discovered a void I could not fill or understand. My biggest cheerleader was far away oceans apart from me causing me to withdraw from the world around me.
But when life is cruel it is kind too. In wanting to be a good example, when the going got tough I forced myself to get up fix up and propel myself forward. I challenged myself and chose to remind myself it was me against the world. All my dreams were up to me. All my hapiness was up to me. If someone could believe in me like my father, how much more could I believe in myself. the more I convinced myself I was good enough, the more the world agreed with me. Be your own cheerleader and turn others into believers.
I personally remember as a child I was called 'miss think a lot'. As the only girl in my family adored by my mother and daddys golden child, I was used to being the best, being told I was beautiful and constantly reminded by my father that no little girl came close. It gave me the confidence to go after everything that I wanted but it was also a drug. Addictive in everyway.
My adoption brought new responsibilities placing me in the field of the go getter, the big sister and the one to set an example. In my 'think a lot moments' I discovered a void I could not fill or understand. My biggest cheerleader was far away oceans apart from me causing me to withdraw from the world around me.
But when life is cruel it is kind too. In wanting to be a good example, when the going got tough I forced myself to get up fix up and propel myself forward. I challenged myself and chose to remind myself it was me against the world. All my dreams were up to me. All my hapiness was up to me. If someone could believe in me like my father, how much more could I believe in myself. the more I convinced myself I was good enough, the more the world agreed with me. Be your own cheerleader and turn others into believers.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
chasing a ghost part 2
I write because it liberates me
I write because it makes me realise my dream is possible
The page patiently listens
as the years pour out
and the future unfolds
Each dream I print
is not objected by opinions
or discouraged as ludicrous
nor my ability challenged
It is merely me in control
like a child painting
feels like Picasso
I fly and welcome my freedom
I write because it liberates me
and tells me I can be what I want to be
in the moment pen meets paper
the only hindrance is the spell check
but even that I can control
by simply adding to the dictionary
I create my world
and the next day I believe it more
the more I write
the more my world unfolds into a beautiful creation
that's no longer a ghost
I write because it makes me realise my dream is possible
The page patiently listens
as the years pour out
and the future unfolds
Each dream I print
is not objected by opinions
or discouraged as ludicrous
nor my ability challenged
It is merely me in control
like a child painting
feels like Picasso
I fly and welcome my freedom
I write because it liberates me
and tells me I can be what I want to be
in the moment pen meets paper
the only hindrance is the spell check
but even that I can control
by simply adding to the dictionary
I create my world
and the next day I believe it more
the more I write
the more my world unfolds into a beautiful creation
that's no longer a ghost
Chasing a ghost part 1
Time spent chasing a ghost of another
wondering what answers it may have for me
was it something I could control
Or will my control never be ordained
Time spent chasing the ghost of my therapist
Revisit your childhood she says
claims that she understand my pain and
of course the answers I seek
ask Sigmund Fraud she says
but he never knew me
Time spent chasing a ghost wondering why
after all this work I ask who am I?
will I ever amount to anything
or is this as good as it gets?
well the leaves are changing
and the snow freezes over
spring brings life
with the bright promise of summer
but my ghost hangs over
wondering what answers it may have for me
was it something I could control
Or will my control never be ordained
Time spent chasing the ghost of my therapist
Revisit your childhood she says
claims that she understand my pain and
of course the answers I seek
ask Sigmund Fraud she says
but he never knew me
Time spent chasing a ghost wondering why
after all this work I ask who am I?
will I ever amount to anything
or is this as good as it gets?
well the leaves are changing
and the snow freezes over
spring brings life
with the bright promise of summer
but my ghost hangs over
Friday, 2 March 2012
My Father
There is no describing my old man….
from when i can remember this was the voice in my growth
the inspiration in my voice
and the wisdom in my choice
Oh yes we interlocked like a set of hands
that are perfectly fitted for one another
my father knew just how to tickle me
for just a few seconds
and yet give me the most memorable laughter
Its no wonder I could never wait till the end of school
with my dress in my sachet
and at the sound of the bell
I changed as fast as superman
and the run to his work
was as fast as the ‘jamaican rocket’.
No I could never wait to spend time with this man
he understood my every smile
and tolerated my little habits
for a time
and when I thought I was getting away with murder
I was in fact heading for a lesson I would carry for life
My father loved to hear me read
hang on…just my voice was enough to brighten his day
no matter what unpleasant noise i made
he looked forward to coming home
and at every 7 pm allow me to take off his shoes
and ease his feet
Yes my father taught me how to understand a man
because I knew when he needed space
if he was watching the news
not even I could distract him
but he loved me
ah my lovely old man
he watched me try to elongate myself
as I tried desperately to touch the chandelier in our home
he would laugh and giggle and encourage me that one day I would
My father got impatient with me
but only when I gave up on myself
he carried me when I was tired
and I still remember his roller coaster rides
on his broad shoulders
come on now..I even have his legs
yes in the lady form
but with them come the strength that can only be my father
Oh yes he was strong…I saw the veins on his arms
popping out defiantly
and I first understood the difference between woman and man
the reason I had to understand my place
and confidently appreciate some authority.
He always let me speak out
would listen to me talk gibberish
but would teach my tongue eloquence
by letting me recite poetry to his students.
my father understood the intricate beauty of my soul
and the trivialities that would appear complex to the naked eye
He saw past my physical
and what was expected of a girl child
but inspired me to be the best girl child I could be
My relationship with my father is the greatest.
by tolerating me
he drew me closer,
by firmly telling me he needed his space
he allowed me happiness when I spent quality time with him
I would look forward to it hence the running to work after school
I was not afraid to love him
because he allowed me to understand his emotions
in his own way
I could never have enough of my father
even in my dreams I dreamt of when next he would be home
to let me sit on his lap and hear me read
to be proud of me
and remind me that am the only jewel of my kind
I knew when my father was hurting
but all he required from me was a little hug
or hard work at school
to remind him it was not all bad
The happiness I gave him
because he allowed me to
was his foundation to making me happy
my father discovered the key to keeping a smile on my face
was sharing my happiness
and providing hope that
everyday was a different challenge
but with equal solution
Yes it all been in past tense this story
but that’s because the history is also the present
my father knows no distance
I have not always been around him physically
but he allows me to embrace his spirit
and knows how to carry my smile in his day
my heart in his pulse
and my love engulfs us even across the seas.
My father is and always will be
my perfect friend.
There is no describing my old man….
from when i can remember this was the voice in my growth
the inspiration in my voice
and the wisdom in my choice
Oh yes we interlocked like a set of hands
that are perfectly fitted for one another
my father knew just how to tickle me
for just a few seconds
and yet give me the most memorable laughter
Its no wonder I could never wait till the end of school
with my dress in my sachet
and at the sound of the bell
I changed as fast as superman
and the run to his work
was as fast as the ‘jamaican rocket’.
No I could never wait to spend time with this man
he understood my every smile
and tolerated my little habits
for a time
and when I thought I was getting away with murder
I was in fact heading for a lesson I would carry for life
My father loved to hear me read
hang on…just my voice was enough to brighten his day
no matter what unpleasant noise i made
he looked forward to coming home
and at every 7 pm allow me to take off his shoes
and ease his feet
Yes my father taught me how to understand a man
because I knew when he needed space
if he was watching the news
not even I could distract him
but he loved me
ah my lovely old man
he watched me try to elongate myself
as I tried desperately to touch the chandelier in our home
he would laugh and giggle and encourage me that one day I would
My father got impatient with me
but only when I gave up on myself
he carried me when I was tired
and I still remember his roller coaster rides
on his broad shoulders
come on now..I even have his legs
yes in the lady form
but with them come the strength that can only be my father
Oh yes he was strong…I saw the veins on his arms
popping out defiantly
and I first understood the difference between woman and man
the reason I had to understand my place
and confidently appreciate some authority.
He always let me speak out
would listen to me talk gibberish
but would teach my tongue eloquence
by letting me recite poetry to his students.
my father understood the intricate beauty of my soul
and the trivialities that would appear complex to the naked eye
He saw past my physical
and what was expected of a girl child
but inspired me to be the best girl child I could be
My relationship with my father is the greatest.
by tolerating me
he drew me closer,
by firmly telling me he needed his space
he allowed me happiness when I spent quality time with him
I would look forward to it hence the running to work after school
I was not afraid to love him
because he allowed me to understand his emotions
in his own way
I could never have enough of my father
even in my dreams I dreamt of when next he would be home
to let me sit on his lap and hear me read
to be proud of me
and remind me that am the only jewel of my kind
I knew when my father was hurting
but all he required from me was a little hug
or hard work at school
to remind him it was not all bad
The happiness I gave him
because he allowed me to
was his foundation to making me happy
my father discovered the key to keeping a smile on my face
was sharing my happiness
and providing hope that
everyday was a different challenge
but with equal solution
Yes it all been in past tense this story
but that’s because the history is also the present
my father knows no distance
I have not always been around him physically
but he allows me to embrace his spirit
and knows how to carry my smile in his day
my heart in his pulse
and my love engulfs us even across the seas.
My father is and always will be
my perfect friend.
Thursday, 1 March 2012
sometimes you sit back and take
one step at a time
sometimes you sit and sigh
but pretend to be fine
sometimes you look at life
and feel it rife
sometimes you strive
for a smile to strike
sometimes you give
never expecting to receive
sometimes you believe
emotions can't be sieved
sometimes you have it all
a life you cannot throw
sometimes you pick at all
so you can find a negative flaw
sometimes you block today
by living in yesterday
sometimes you block your harvest
by eating yesterdays dry bones
sometimes today tries
to eradicate yesterdays lies
sometimes our eyes
fear for our lives
sometimes we cling on yesterday
and make excuses today
sometimes to remain unhappy
or too afraid to deserve happiness
sometimes today gets tired
when it tries it gets fired
sometimes your yesterday hires
a love u once admired
sometimes today understands
its not enough to just try
so it backs off and waits
until your sometimes decides to be an always.
one step at a time
sometimes you sit and sigh
but pretend to be fine
sometimes you look at life
and feel it rife
sometimes you strive
for a smile to strike
sometimes you give
never expecting to receive
sometimes you believe
emotions can't be sieved
sometimes you have it all
a life you cannot throw
sometimes you pick at all
so you can find a negative flaw
sometimes you block today
by living in yesterday
sometimes you block your harvest
by eating yesterdays dry bones
sometimes today tries
to eradicate yesterdays lies
sometimes our eyes
fear for our lives
sometimes we cling on yesterday
and make excuses today
sometimes to remain unhappy
or too afraid to deserve happiness
sometimes today gets tired
when it tries it gets fired
sometimes your yesterday hires
a love u once admired
sometimes today understands
its not enough to just try
so it backs off and waits
until your sometimes decides to be an always.
Dedication to the husband God has reserved for me
He is
the one that possess 80% of my what i need
that the 20% left is unnecessary
constantly knowing and understanding
how to fulfil the remainders of the 20
He is
the one that understands 20 won't come over night
but he has the patience and willingness to study hard
and get his 1st degree
a student of autonomy
that understands its philosophy
He is
the one that does not fear the words of a woman
nor taking a virtuous one as a cumbersome duty
like a monkey he learns the skill of unravelling
the beauty that lies within until you eventually
don't have to go through the unravelling ritual
He is
the man that understands beauty as not surface but appreciates
the outside right to the core of the inside
the one that does not fear a woman catering to him
nor does he fear its her way of obtaining the house key
He is
the man that dreams of his woman
that counts his blessings by understanding the wonderful
creation God has taken time to make just for him
and looks forward to every hug and warm embrace when she is absent.
Oh he is
the one that feels his soul lonely in the absence of his queen
but is not overtaken by cravings of others
nor does he deem his loyalty a prison
knowing no woman can ever match up to the beautiful design he wears
He is
the one that looks in his woman's eyes and understands her touch
when she looks in his eyes he is not afraid to melt
he knows the trust she holds is the bedrock of his heart
when she smiles and says 'I love you'
he drops every old pain and lets her wash him new
and every kiss and hug is a rebirth of the man he has always been
but never had the courage to reveal
a man amongst men
and the only one of his kind.
the one that possess 80% of my what i need
that the 20% left is unnecessary
constantly knowing and understanding
how to fulfil the remainders of the 20
He is
the one that understands 20 won't come over night
but he has the patience and willingness to study hard
and get his 1st degree
a student of autonomy
that understands its philosophy
He is
the one that does not fear the words of a woman
nor taking a virtuous one as a cumbersome duty
like a monkey he learns the skill of unravelling
the beauty that lies within until you eventually
don't have to go through the unravelling ritual
He is
the man that understands beauty as not surface but appreciates
the outside right to the core of the inside
the one that does not fear a woman catering to him
nor does he fear its her way of obtaining the house key
He is
the man that dreams of his woman
that counts his blessings by understanding the wonderful
creation God has taken time to make just for him
and looks forward to every hug and warm embrace when she is absent.
Oh he is
the one that feels his soul lonely in the absence of his queen
but is not overtaken by cravings of others
nor does he deem his loyalty a prison
knowing no woman can ever match up to the beautiful design he wears
He is
the one that looks in his woman's eyes and understands her touch
when she looks in his eyes he is not afraid to melt
he knows the trust she holds is the bedrock of his heart
when she smiles and says 'I love you'
he drops every old pain and lets her wash him new
and every kiss and hug is a rebirth of the man he has always been
but never had the courage to reveal
a man amongst men
and the only one of his kind.
love the things that are simple
but complex
the things that are relaxed and fear nothing
except what they can't see
love those that see me as an extraordinary gift
and take time to understand my many sides
they embrace my beauty in any form it comes
they know when am smiling
and when my smile is being a cloud
and when I go silent
but say the most
they know when I stutter
and when am saying shit because the friend of the month is here
when they understand that I
am love and lovable
just as i am.
they know sometimes i talk the most
but in your silence i still listen
that i don't remember all that is said
but the important never leaves me
that I'm one hundred percent woman
just one in a million
love a challenge
sometimes hate ambiguity
but in it's weirdness i find something to love about it
I love giving the best
and receiving the better
I love lions
and a little authority to tame me
i can be unpredictable and extreme
but the extremity requires the simplest answers
love to find beauty in all
my happiness is overwhelming
but the easiest to deal with
once you discover the skill
its the best evolution
love courage and embrace free minds
moving only at will and not because
its imposed
standing up for what is wanted
fighting for what is needed
love exercising patience
and not running from what i know
is rightfully mine
the thrill of learning me
knowing i can never be alone
because there's me myself & I
i look in the mirror and each day the love grows
she smiles back at me
and is ready to face another day
love the things that don't compromise
but regulate
the things that are unique
and not uniform
they work when they want
but speak with the eloquence of Shakespeare
love kindness and hate envy
never boasting but ever hopeful
a warm embrace and lots of affection
its purpose understood
as a part of me that cannot be separated
only engulfed
tasty to the bone like oxtail stew
there's nothing like an empowering love
that flows when needed
and is not afraid to show
love the things that don't give up easy
honesty without selfish gain
things that don't tell the 'truth'
to justify the evil of the subconscious
love the idea of happiness
but believe in happiness being me
the rest is just the icing on the cake
I just love me =)
love the things that are simple
but complex
the things that are relaxed and fear nothing
except what they can't see
love those that see me as an extraordinary gift
and take time to understand my many sides
they embrace my beauty in any form it comes
they know when am smiling
and when my smile is being a cloud
and when I go silent
but say the most
they know when I stutter
and when am saying shit because the friend of the month is here
when they understand that I
am love and lovable
just as i am.
they know sometimes i talk the most
but in your silence i still listen
that i don't remember all that is said
but the important never leaves me
that I'm one hundred percent woman
just one in a million
love a challenge
sometimes hate ambiguity
but in it's weirdness i find something to love about it
I love giving the best
and receiving the better
I love lions
and a little authority to tame me
i can be unpredictable and extreme
but the extremity requires the simplest answers
love to find beauty in all
my happiness is overwhelming
but the easiest to deal with
once you discover the skill
its the best evolution
love courage and embrace free minds
moving only at will and not because
its imposed
standing up for what is wanted
fighting for what is needed
love exercising patience
and not running from what i know
is rightfully mine
the thrill of learning me
knowing i can never be alone
because there's me myself & I
i look in the mirror and each day the love grows
she smiles back at me
and is ready to face another day
love the things that don't compromise
but regulate
the things that are unique
and not uniform
they work when they want
but speak with the eloquence of Shakespeare
love kindness and hate envy
never boasting but ever hopeful
a warm embrace and lots of affection
its purpose understood
as a part of me that cannot be separated
only engulfed
tasty to the bone like oxtail stew
there's nothing like an empowering love
that flows when needed
and is not afraid to show
love the things that don't give up easy
honesty without selfish gain
things that don't tell the 'truth'
to justify the evil of the subconscious
love the idea of happiness
but believe in happiness being me
the rest is just the icing on the cake
I just love me =)
No More
My soul does not cry out in pain any more
no do i hear the words in my head saying
shawty why can't you smile no more?
No more do i feel the terror of a beaten down heart
nor the silent thunder of a beating drum
because in a divine era I have become my own master
No more do I seek the comfort of fools
to revive the me that's chocking inside
no more do i measure my smile
at the degree of your contention
No more do I speak the negative words
that are only held as entertainment for limited minds
that see not beyond what the naked eye restricts
Mine is a joy that will sing always
reviving each day as magical as a phoenix
depicting not just a magnificent smile
but illuminating the very essence that is me
which only few are blessed to see
because my soul cries NO MORE!!
no do i hear the words in my head saying
shawty why can't you smile no more?
No more do i feel the terror of a beaten down heart
nor the silent thunder of a beating drum
because in a divine era I have become my own master
No more do I seek the comfort of fools
to revive the me that's chocking inside
no more do i measure my smile
at the degree of your contention
No more do I speak the negative words
that are only held as entertainment for limited minds
that see not beyond what the naked eye restricts
Mine is a joy that will sing always
reviving each day as magical as a phoenix
depicting not just a magnificent smile
but illuminating the very essence that is me
which only few are blessed to see
because my soul cries NO MORE!!
Defected Ego
The next dice rolls masked by the deliberate whisk of my arm
a cold smile frozen by the sweet sounds of your lyrical betrayal
See I
understand the words spoken by poets
and the meaning unwritten by the writers of songs
of a defected ego
that display the note, the rhythm, the beat, the tempo, the heightened pride of nothing but a defected ego
See I
understand the flow of a river
and perhaps I could comprehend the battle between rain and ocean
trying to figure out which is the mightier
I can understand the oceans ambition to consume every rain drop
despite the risks of swelling up
and drowning in the land
and I
can make sense of natures career to bombard a nation
and then attempt to fix it
hell i could even try to understand why a tree chooses to be naked in winter
but what I do not know how to do is
understand the speech of the foolish
the reasoning of the selfish and the ludicrous pretentious of walking in your own shadow
when all it now depicts is a dark mirror to your core
where masked by sweet lies and haughty pride
you are prisoner to your defected ego
Lets play dice once more
what will you throw? 2 lies or six? either way you've missed
my hands are held across my face
to you only the back of it now shows
estranging your existence because
you see we two sides of the same coin
mine is always the tail but my head can not be injured by a defected ego
A woman of my own substance
my eyes know not the waters of my soul
they remain hidden
in the tributaries of my spirit
and not that of a defected ego
a cold smile frozen by the sweet sounds of your lyrical betrayal
See I
understand the words spoken by poets
and the meaning unwritten by the writers of songs
of a defected ego
that display the note, the rhythm, the beat, the tempo, the heightened pride of nothing but a defected ego
See I
understand the flow of a river
and perhaps I could comprehend the battle between rain and ocean
trying to figure out which is the mightier
I can understand the oceans ambition to consume every rain drop
despite the risks of swelling up
and drowning in the land
and I
can make sense of natures career to bombard a nation
and then attempt to fix it
hell i could even try to understand why a tree chooses to be naked in winter
but what I do not know how to do is
understand the speech of the foolish
the reasoning of the selfish and the ludicrous pretentious of walking in your own shadow
when all it now depicts is a dark mirror to your core
where masked by sweet lies and haughty pride
you are prisoner to your defected ego
Lets play dice once more
what will you throw? 2 lies or six? either way you've missed
my hands are held across my face
to you only the back of it now shows
estranging your existence because
you see we two sides of the same coin
mine is always the tail but my head can not be injured by a defected ego
A woman of my own substance
my eyes know not the waters of my soul
they remain hidden
in the tributaries of my spirit
and not that of a defected ego
A Cinders Passion
So they tell me my poetry is always serious and that I never speak of passion...
huh well passion can never be ignited until you find your prince charming
Every Cinderella has her tale...
mine was always one never told because see when I move in the room
I claim everything in it
right down from the bar to the music to the dance floor of life
but u can always tell when they can't handle you...ladies you know what am saying
like when he step to you thinking he got game and just one little wiggle sends
him perspiring, a little gyrating sends his heart doing gymnastics and this snake realises huh
he cannot mate with a lioness
Or when you get the know it all Mr
the one that walk in the room tryna conquer all
thinking a few drinks and a little charm will be enough to show... he the king in this bitch
when what he really is, is a spectator that's watched too much of the discovery channel
that he don't know when you step in the real jungle
a lioness ain't that easy to tame....
so now you all alone on that dance floor..o so it seems
you handling your business swaying that thing and then a tap on your shoulder
gentle as the whispering rain
subtle as a wind blowing on your neck
your knees buckle into submission as the control channels through just that one little touch
as he softly compliments you and tells you just how beautiful you look
see, huh he ain't about the competition, he about the confidence and like a true lion
he knows how to make his queen feel like a gazebo because in his kingdom
she is his subject and all this communicated through a gentle touch.
then as the music plays,one rhythm after another your bodies naturally intertwine
to every beat he takes control and moulds you into every crevice of his body
you feel him breath softly downyour neck stripping every mindless desire as your body
tells him begs him and surrenders in the midst of it all....
and slowly his mind undresses you and your arch sees it
yet you cant stop the feeling you are at his mercy
he now makes you perspire and your pores give birth to your unspoken desires
one look in his eyes and it starts to pour
rivers starts flowing forming an ocean at the mouth of your cave
your lips tingle and your tongue learns salsa as it seeks to engage in this passionate dance that should last forever....even if forever is but a second.
Everything stands still...the music stops apart from the beat in your heart
your spirits are locked in that perfect picture
resting your hand on his chest and the other round his neck
he gets the sweet promise of your tender lips on him again
your tender kisses right on every part
from the top right down to the bottom
He knows he cannot let you go without cupids permission
for in that moment to do so would be the perfect crime
he holds you for a while longer and takes you in his mouth
a kiss so intense that only his hand would stop this ocean from overflowing
in his eyes you see the power
in this tongue you feed the passion
whats in his heart you know not
but in due season
you understand the movement of him was the very heart of you
your giant prince
and you his Cinderella
huh well passion can never be ignited until you find your prince charming
Every Cinderella has her tale...
mine was always one never told because see when I move in the room
I claim everything in it
right down from the bar to the music to the dance floor of life
but u can always tell when they can't handle you...ladies you know what am saying
like when he step to you thinking he got game and just one little wiggle sends
him perspiring, a little gyrating sends his heart doing gymnastics and this snake realises huh
he cannot mate with a lioness
Or when you get the know it all Mr
the one that walk in the room tryna conquer all
thinking a few drinks and a little charm will be enough to show... he the king in this bitch
when what he really is, is a spectator that's watched too much of the discovery channel
that he don't know when you step in the real jungle
a lioness ain't that easy to tame....
so now you all alone on that dance floor..o so it seems
you handling your business swaying that thing and then a tap on your shoulder
gentle as the whispering rain
subtle as a wind blowing on your neck
your knees buckle into submission as the control channels through just that one little touch
as he softly compliments you and tells you just how beautiful you look
see, huh he ain't about the competition, he about the confidence and like a true lion
he knows how to make his queen feel like a gazebo because in his kingdom
she is his subject and all this communicated through a gentle touch.
then as the music plays,one rhythm after another your bodies naturally intertwine
to every beat he takes control and moulds you into every crevice of his body
you feel him breath softly downyour neck stripping every mindless desire as your body
tells him begs him and surrenders in the midst of it all....
and slowly his mind undresses you and your arch sees it
yet you cant stop the feeling you are at his mercy
he now makes you perspire and your pores give birth to your unspoken desires
one look in his eyes and it starts to pour
rivers starts flowing forming an ocean at the mouth of your cave
your lips tingle and your tongue learns salsa as it seeks to engage in this passionate dance that should last forever....even if forever is but a second.
Everything stands still...the music stops apart from the beat in your heart
your spirits are locked in that perfect picture
resting your hand on his chest and the other round his neck
he gets the sweet promise of your tender lips on him again
your tender kisses right on every part
from the top right down to the bottom
He knows he cannot let you go without cupids permission
for in that moment to do so would be the perfect crime
he holds you for a while longer and takes you in his mouth
a kiss so intense that only his hand would stop this ocean from overflowing
in his eyes you see the power
in this tongue you feed the passion
whats in his heart you know not
but in due season
you understand the movement of him was the very heart of you
your giant prince
and you his Cinderella
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