‘Noooo, I refuse. I cannot do this case I cannot do it Dante’I back away from him towards the door. I cannot believe what I just heard nor can I handle the cards life just played me. Is this some kind of cruel joke? Somesick untimely joke? Like what the hell? Do I have screw me over stamped on my forehead?
‘Shey why are you so freaked out? It is just a name or do you know this person-‘I hear him talk a lot but he is not really saying anything. This is not happening. I have to get out of here. I bolt out of the room and leg it down the stairs with a frantic Dante behind me. The one thing I do not like is people walking behind me let alone running and now I feel sodamn vulnerable like he is chasing me. ‘Slow down dammit and talk to me.’
I stop by the door way too scared to walk out by myself. Suddenly I feel exposed as though someone is watching me and about to pounce on me. Despite the street lights glaring at me, I do not succumb to its invitation to colour me blind. With its mocking lights telling me it’s safe and oh yes it is just a matter of me stepping into that deceitful light and then bam! Just like that my story will change. I will be yet another statistic. Dante punts behind me and takes my hand gently and asks me to sit down. I oblige careful not to get to close. He freaks me out. This building freaks me out. It is an enclosed space. It could be the death of me. As if reading my mind, Dante reassures me ‘Shey, you know me. I will not lay a finger on you or let any harm come your way but you need to talk to me nuh man not just run away like one possessed! Eh! What is the matter?’
I am not in the habit of airing my dirty laundry especially to Dante. Once he finds out why I am weird and that the man whose child I am supposed to defend is responsible for the way I feel and respond around him and that I in turn want to kill him right back- yes I do want to kill him. I want to kill Trevor. So you see I cannot tell Dante what I am thinking right now. I do not know where to begin. ‘I cannot defend that girl Dante and in fact I cannot be part of this case because I just got compromised.’
‘Oh come of it. This is Zambia. Compromised is the name of the game. It is too late to pull out now and that little girl needs you more than you know’ I feel disgusted at myself and the things that I am thinking right now cannot be conveyed out loud to him. A demon has fully possessed me. It feels happy that the little girl is hurting because it invariably hurts that cockroach. What? I told you it was not a thought for the public ear. Dammit my conscience won’t allow this thought a moment longer. ‘Come on back upstairs and let us pack up so you can have a good rest. If you want me to be first chairthen I will. I will just have to make sure I speak properly won’t I? My hand allows his to guild us both back to the office. I am especially jumpy at every little noise but feel better that I did not take that call when I was alone. I don’t wantto go through with the case. The daughter might be collateral damage in thiswar I have with Trevor but something’s gotta give. I sit back in my chair and Trevor strokes my shoulders again and I just unleash my anger on him.
‘I told you time and time again do not bloody stroke me youpervert!’
‘Eish, sorry!’ he says putting his hands up. ‘So I have gone over the statements once more and it appears that the father is out of work but still makes an amicable amount some how. Now one thing that seems to tie the teacher to the family is that he offers extra lessons to his pupils and it isthis excuse that the family are using to pin down the teacher stating that thechild was seen coming from the teacher’s house crying. When queried by the mother she told her what happened but was beaten for telling lies about a grownup’
‘The father raped her. He has motive, he has prior conviction and is just out of prison.’
‘What makes you so sure he raped her?’
‘Because young kids are his passion and this right here is convenient that she gets raped around the same time daddy comes out of prison? Thatis not rocket science. The man is a raging sex addict and teacher is an easy scapegoat.’
‘How do you know so much about him? It is almost as if you know him personally!’ I ignore this remark hoping he does not read myexpression. I continue to examine the evidence but all arms point at theteacher whichever way you look at it. I decide to read the victims statementagain. She is hysterical and refers to her father as being very distraught thathis friend could do something like this. Friend? Reading on, the friends whorefuse to testify are also students in his extra lessons sessions. About three of them and from the statements it seems as though Trevor has been present atmost of these one on one sessions….
‘Dante, I think they are running a brothel and prey on thevulnerable pupils under the pretext of extra lessons. Passing tests later iseasy because the teacher handles the grades only on this particular day whenthe daughter was seen coming out of the house, she had gone there without her fathers or mothers consent, but on the advice from some peers that she couldenquire about extra lessons-‘I stand up feeling enlightened by the realisation that she was raped by Trevor’s business partner only he did not know who she was until the mother caused all hell to break loose on his head. ‘That is whyTrevor wants to keep under cover because he has already done time!’ Dante looksat me proudly and takes a mocking bow. Alright Sherlock, but none of that willstick unless you buy more time from the court and convince the others totestify otherwise it will just be hearsay.
‘Oh that is your job tomorrow because there is no way I am defending that girl’
‘Shey….would you not want someone to defend you? Whatever it is that bothers you about Trevor, put it aside and let the girl come first.Please.’ I am reminded for a moment about how fragile and frightened I was but years of blocking the pain and living as a shadow of myself have rendered thoseemotions motionless. They do not exist. I almost lack empathy. I am beguiledwith venom that I just want to spray at Trevor.
‘Can you take me home please? I do not feel safe to go alone’I say putting my best damsel in distress face forward. If I remember correctly Hope said she would not be home. I have a good mind to ask Dante to stay afterall it is a while for him to drive back to his place this late I reason.
‘Sure no problem’
‘This is not an invitation for any nookie!’
‘You said it not me. I was not even thinking it.’ We get into his car and leave mine in the company car park. There is just soft gospel music playing in his car and he actually looks taken by it.
‘Who are these?’ I ask softly
‘Jesus Culture. This is one of the songs I am supposed to be singing with the choir on Sunday. I think it will do you some good if you comewith me and exorcise some of those demons we just saw’ he smirks. Hahahaha veryfunny. ‘I still think your analysis is a bit flawed. I do not think there is abrothel there. Word would have spread like bushfire if there was trust me. I don’tknow how this Trevor is getting his money but it could be something else like drugs. That could explain why Trevor has been present but also we do not knowhow long for. These lessons are usually one hour each at length’ well we will not know anything for sure until they testify. ‘So do you want to talk aboutit?’ Dante asks a look at me concerned as he pulls up into my driveway. I shakemy head no and he complies dropping the subject.
‘You are staying in my room tonight. I don’t want to sleepalone’ I demand not that he is complaining and in fact he has a mischievous grin on his face poor sod. Lying there in my bed I allow myself to drift off abit. Defending Trevor’s daughter will be defending Trevor’s feelings! Damn conflict of interest. I let out a huge sigh and Dante pulls me into spooninghug.
‘It is well. God never comes too soon or too late. There is a reason for everything’. I let him hold me and fall into a deep sleep.

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